Americans over the age of 60 are most at risk for developing macular degeneration, a leading cause of visual loss. It is estimated that more than 11 million elderly citizens in the United States suffer from some kind of dementia, a figure that is anticipated to grow to 25 million by the year 2050.
Color and fine detail perception are controlled by the macula, a tiny portion of the retina. It can be harmed in two different ways. Fluid seeps out of faulty blood vessels in wet macular degeneration, which is the most common kind. Light-sensitive cells die in the dry variant.
Macular degeneration does not frequently result in complete blindness in either situation. However, it has the potential to impair your eyesight to the point that you are unable to do daily tasks like reading or driving.
As you become older, take care of your vision. Take the time to learn more about macular degeneration and how it may effect you or someone you care about.
Macular Degeneration Prevention
Aging and heredity are the two primary causes of macular degeneration, and neither can be changed. But there are other things you can do.
Try the following methods:
First and foremost, stop smoking. The chance of developing macular degeneration is more than doubled if you smoke. Additionally, quitting smoking may help prevent cataracts, glaucoma, and diabetes-related vision problems.
Secondly, modify your diet. There are certain meals that help maintain good eyesight, and there are others that do the reverse. In addition to spinach and kale, you should also eat foods high in antioxidants, such as blueberries and strawberries. Limit your intake of red meat and other high-fat foods.
Reduce your blood pressure. Your eyes may be deprived of oxygen if you have high blood pressure. Some blood pressure medications may exacerbate these side effects. Natural approaches to reduce blood pressure include decreasing salt intake, lowering weight, and exercising frequently. Discuss these options with your doctor.
Don’t forget your shades! Protect your eyes from UV rays by using sunglasses or eye protection. Look for models that protect against both UVA and UVB rays. Instead of reserving them for the summer, wear them all year round.
Macular Degeneration is a fact of life.
About seventy-percent of people who suffer from dry macular degeneration have no access to therapeutic options. Early discovery and action may, however, reduce the extent of the harm.
Activities such as these may help:
The first step is to recognize the most typical signs and symptoms. If you see black patches in the middle of your vision, or if straight lines appear to be wavy, immediately notify your doctor. Even if you don’t notice any symptoms, it’s critical that you undergo frequent eye examinations.
Second, get a medical opinion. You’ll be asked about your health history and have your eyes examined by the doctor. It’s possible that they’ll dilate your pupils and provide an injection of a specific dye so that your doctor may examine the blood vessels in your retinas.
Take medicine. There is higher rapidity and severity in the wet type of the disease. Anti-VEGF medicines, which stands for vascular endothelial growth factor, are often used to treat it. For a large number of patients, they have the potential to reduce the damage or even reverse it.
Supplements are another option. AREDS, a combination of vitamins and minerals, may also be prescribed by your doctor. They may be able to slow the progression of dry macular degeneration into wet macular degeneration in certain people.
Look for an eye doctor. When it comes to coping with the obstacles of everyday life, low-vision treatment may be quite beneficial. Call the eye department at your local clinic and ask for a referral to the ophthalmology department from your doctor. They’ll teach you about coping mechanisms and techniques.
Keep your eyes healthy as you become older. If you discover signs of macular degeneration or other abnormalities in your vision, see your doctor for an evaluation.