$33.24Buy @ Powder City
People often say that our minds are our most powerful tools and so protecting them, which, by proxy means protecting our brains, is absolutely essential if we wish to live a prolonged, productive, healthy, and happy life for as long as we possibly can. As upsetting as it sounds, despite the fact that modern medicine and technology has advanced at such an astonishing rate over the last few decades, degenerative diseases that affect the mind such as Alzheimer’s or dementia, are still far too common. Although generally we don’t really suffer from Alzheimer’s or dementia etc, until we grow older, the early warning signs can begin to manifest themselves much earlier on life, which is why it’s so important to tackle these issues, and indeed similar issues, as early on in life as we possibly can. Nootropics and various medications and drugs have been showing amazing promise over the last few years, with Galantamine in particular, generating a great amount of positive feedback over the last few years.
What is Galantamine?
Galantamine is a form of orally administered medication that has been used to treat patients suffering from dementia and Alzheimer’s disease for a number of years now. It falls under a class of medications which are known as acetylcholinesterase inhibitors and it is able to get to work by helping to gradually increase the amount of natural chemicals, hormones, and compounds found in the brain which are essential thought and memory. This drug has been found to enhance a person’s thinking abilities, as well as various other cognitive functions as well.
Galantamine Benefits
The main benefits of this potent drug include, but are not limited to, the following:
Enhanced long-term memory
Enhanced short term memory
Clearer thinking
Helps treat and prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia
Helps enhance reaction times
Can help improve alertness
Galantamine Dosage
The drug is orally administered which means that it comes in tablet form and should be swallowed whole, as well as in liquid form which can be moxed with any non-alcoholic beverage. Always take the recommended dosage and always follow the instructions of your prescription. It should always be consumed with food, and if you take the tablets, the dosages come in 4, 8, and 12mg, with experts recommending you starting low and assessing your tolerance to the drug. The drug should be taken twice daily, so, 4mg twice per day with meals. For extended release capsules, these dosages come in 8, 16, and 24 mg, which should again be started low. The liquid solution should be administered as 4mg/mL.
Galantamine Side Effects
Though very promising when it comes to treating/preventing dementia, Alzheimer’s and other similar conditions, some users have experienced the following side effects:
Loss of appetite
Weight loss
Pale skin
Trouble sleeping
Like with any supplement, we recommend asking your doctor before beginning any regimen.
Where to Buy Galantamine
Currently, you can buy Galantamine from Powder City in both capsule and powder form using the link below. Per usual, PowderCity offers smaller quantities, and you get your best value when buying in bulk powder.
$33.24Buy @ Powder City