Although looking after ourselves should be one of our main priorities, many of us choose to neglect our health and well-being and adopt a ‘wait and see’ attitude, or convince themselves that they’ll deal with any problems later on in life.
Unfortunately, by then it is often too late, especially where mental health and well-being is concerned. The brain for example, is arguably the most important organ within the body, and without it we simply would not be able to function.
Degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s or dementia however, are caused as a result of issues with the brain, which is why it’s so vital to look after our brains when we’re younger, so as to avoid any issues when we grow older.
Nootropic drugs and medicines have proven especially popular lately, with Magnesium Threonate in particular grabbing a lot of the headlines lately. Here’s a more in-depth look at this drug.
What is Magnesium Threonate?
Magnesium Threonate is a relatively new form of the element magnesium that is derived from L-threonic acid. Magnesium is an essential element for human beings, and is most commonly consumed in the form of supplements, or in whole foods such as green leafy vegetables and natural nuts. Magnesium Threonate however, is far more bio available and is considered a very effective brain supplement and nootropic treatment.
Magnesium Threonate Benefits
Although relatively new, experts have already discovered an abundance of extremely promising benefits associated with Magnesium Threonate, which include, but are not limited to the following:
Improved short and long-term memory
Improved concentration levels
Enhanced mental alertness
Can prevent memory loss
Can benefit the heart
Helps fight magnesium deficiencies
Helps promote healthy sleep
Can prevent restless leg syndrome
Can fight insomnia
Has been found to help strengthen immunity
Recommended Magnesium Threonate Dosage
For average sized adults, the standard dosage of this drug is considered to be 300mg per day for women, and 400mg per day for men. It is recommended that the drug be stacked with other drugs and supplements for optimal effects. For example, Magnesium Threonate is often stacked with Calcium in a ratio of 1:3 (1 Magnesium and 3 calcium).
For pure nootropic purposes however, experts recommend stacking the drug with oxiracetam. The reason for this is that experts believe that stacking it in this manner can result in an even larger improvement of synaptic plasticity.
Magnesium Threonate Side Effects
Like all drugs and medicines, it’s important that you read the instructions carefully and never exceed the stated dosage. Though rare, some reported side effectis of the drug (when consumed in large doses) include:
Increased blood pressure
Irregular heart beats
Trouble concentrating
Issues with the kidneys
For the above reasons, anybody with kidney or heart issues is recommended to avoid this drug entirely.
Where to Buy Magnesium Threonate
You can currently purchase Magnesium Threonate pretty cheaply online, though it is getting harder to find it. Below are the most up-to-date links.